(Senpai lives with the idea that his girlfriend, later wife, is the best he can get. you are absolutely amazing! Yes! I accept your confession.
I thought I would never get to meet a girl like you! I was starting to worry that I would never meet the right one that I was just being too picky, but you. (Senpai lives in constant worry that something bad will happen to Yandere-chan and is over-protective of her.) Taro (if at least one rival wasn't killed): I. Yandere-chan and Senpai end up with a relationship identical to Yandere-chan's parents.) (Yandere-chan kidnaps Senpai and keeps him in her basement like her mother did with her Senpai. Taro (if all rivals were killed): I'm really sorry, but I could never live with myself if you got hurt because of me. You shouldn't be with me.Īyano: Please Senpai. Almost everyone I've gotten close to at school is.
I'm sorry, but I can't accept your confession. If murdered with the bodies being found was most used: If you want it, I promise to spend the rest of my life making us both happy together.
From the moment I met you, when you bumped into me in the hallway, I knew I would never love anyone as much as you. For weeks I've been trying to work up the courage to tell you my feelings. This is sort of a follow-up to my previous post I said I might make a post about how Yandere-chan's confession could go depending on the most used elimination method.Īyano: Senpai.